Poorly built and maintained roads are a leading cause of sediment pollution in the Eel River watershed. In order to prevent this pollution, ERWIG performs up-slope assessments. These assessments are thorough investigations and recommendations for repair of current and potential road-related erosion issues. Then funded, theses repairs serve the dual purpose of pollution prevention and improved access.
Exclusion Fencing and Road Improvements

Stream health can be improved with upgraded roads and livestock exclusion fencing. The fencing keeps livestock from eroding the hillslope and releasing sediment into the stream. The fencing also keeps livestock out of the creek reducing sedimentation and keeping their waste out of the waterway. Livestock tend to follow fence lines, so a properly constructed road along a fence reduces the impact livestock have on the landscape.
Upgraded roads also lead to less sediment entering streams as the surface is protected with gravel; rilling and rutting is reduced; and culverts are properly sized to handle big storm runoff and won't blow out.
Upgraded roads also lead to less sediment entering streams as the surface is protected with gravel; rilling and rutting is reduced; and culverts are properly sized to handle big storm runoff and won't blow out.
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